News Releases

Prestige Ministry Visits Economy Hotel, Atlanta

The infamous Prestige Ministry paid a visit to Economy Hotel, Atlanta, and spread their Mission of Caring to dozens of residents on March 30th.

After they finished setting up outside the hotel, a warm summer breeze swirled with the delicious aroma of chicken, sausages and other goodies. Kids were smiling cheek to cheek while receiving food and gifts. 

“Look at all our guests; they’re so happy!” said Roger Sawant, Revenue Manager for Stablegold Hospitality. “There’s so many kids that are getting gifts.”

The Ministry, founded by Pastor Taffi Dollar, is well known for walking into local nightclubs, challenged neighbourhoods, and even the darkest of alleyways to find people whom they can support.

“We offer them whatever they need – job training, help with resume writing, rehabilitation services, help with legal issues,” explained Counsellor Sheryl Allen.

In addition to providing counselling and hot food to hungry mouths, Prestige Ministry is exemplary at providing nourishment for the soul.

“We meet people who are in really bad circumstances - maybe prostituting, kicked out of their homes, feeling suicidal – and all they really ask for is a prayer or a hug,” said Allen.  

To learn more about Prestige Ministry and the incredible work they do, please visit

Prestige Ministry Visits Economy Hotel, Atlanta