Stablegold Hospitality has signed a new partnership agreement up with Flock Safety to install license plate camera readers at all their Economy Hotel locations.
Flock Safety is a new company, started in Buckhead only two years ago, to help police gain solid evidence for crimes such as burglary, theft, and car break-ins. The technology took off like rapid fire when the Founder and CEO, Garrett Langley, decided to make it affordable for all neighbourhoods.
"We're very excited about the new technology" said SGH CEO Ali Jamal. "It brings us one step closer to ensuring that someone with outstanding warrants or who is a known threat does not have unrestricted access to our valued residents and employees."
Flock Safety smart cameras have the added bonus of integration with the National Wanted List, which means the local police automatically receive an alert as soon as the camera detects the license plate of a wanted criminal.
"We're in partnership with 50 police departments across the country," said Flock Safety's Head of Marketing Joshua Thomas.
Cameras are scheduled to be fully installed at all Economy Hotel locations by the end of August 2019.
For more information about the product, visit